Based on the Intel Core Duo Processor, the platform is designed to support processor speed from 1.66 GHz up to 2.0 GHz. The Intel Core2 Duo runs at 1.5 GHz. VP11 is offered in a dual slot wide front panel in order to maximize front I/O functions. The VP11 provides a unique feature set, including up to 4 GB of DDR2 SDRAM (200 MHz) with enhanced ECC, four independent on-board PCI buses, support for VME64/2eSST backplane, two PMC interfaces (64-bit/133 MHz and 32-bit/33 MHz). Instead of the PMC1, a PCI Express based XMC interface is optionally available. A high level of functional integration (two Gigabit Ethernet, one Fast Ethernet, two serial interfaces (RS-232 or RS-422/485), USB 2.0, integrated HDD or Flash drive) within a single slot gives users the freedom to use the PMC interfaces for their application specific I/O. The VGA/DVI interface is supported through a high performance 2D/3D ATI? video controller capable of driving two displays in parallel.
Based on the Intel Core Duo Processor, the platform is designed to support processor speed from 1.66 GHz up to 2.0 GHz.