INTEL Core i7, Core 2 Duo & Quad PCs!
Sale Priced From $299 and up...
(regularly from $899 to $2799, SAVE BIG!) PICK ONE TO FIT YOUR
BTW: They're ALL really fast! Scroll down through the choices, pick your favorite PC, add RAM, Video
(if you want) and optional LCD Panel, then Checkout. All CompAmerica PCs are covered by a 1, 3 or 5 Year Labor Warranty and standard 1 Year Return to Factory Hardware Limited Warranty, which
may be upgraded to up to 3 Years! (NOTE: does not include our laptops which have their own Warranty Plans.) For a Copy of the Standard Desktop PC and Server: 1 Year Return to Factory
Hardware Limited Warranty And: if you want onsite PC service for 1 or 3 years, call us at 908-931-1200. No Problem! We can arrange a plant to cover North America and 250 Countries around the
world with Same Day Telephone Response with a choice of optional 24 or 48 hour hardware limited on-site service plan! (Please note that all CompAmerica Servers come with a Standard 3 Year version
of the above warranty, and optional on-site service plans! )
Huge Desktop Summer Vacation PC Sale! |