Desktop type Home Basic universal type
Processor Series Celeron (Celeron) D
Processor brand Intel (Intel)
Processor Type Celeron D 352
Processor frequency (MHz) 3200
Processor core CedarMill
Processor cache 1 cache: 28KB; 2 cache: 512KB
Processor-digit 64-bit
Other accessories Power cord, manual, warranty card, driver CD-ROM
Motherboard Chipset Intel 865G
533MHz system bus frequency
Memory Type DDR
Configuration memory capacity (MB) 256
Expansion Slots 1 AGP slot, three PCI slots
AGP 8X graphics interface standard
Type DVD-ROM drive
Built-in Floppy Drive None
Type of IDE hard disk
Hard drive speed (rpm) 7200
CD-ROM speed (X) 16
Hard disk capacity (GB) 80
High-performance integrated graphics display card
Sound Card Built-in stereo sound system - supports 2.1 Surround Sound
Speaker Matching
Memory Capacity (MB) 64MB shared graphics memory
Type of integrated graphics card
Card-board 10M/100M Adaptive Broadband Card