Model Pavilion m8080cn
Type of home desktop
Processor Intel Core2 Duo E6400 2.13G
Processor Frequency 2130MHz
LGA 775 processor interface
Second-level cache (KB) 2048KB
Processor FSB 266MHz
Motherboard / Memory
Motherboard / Chipset Intel 945G Chipset
Memory Type DDR2
2GB memory
2048 memory
Hard drive parameter 7200
250GB hard drive capacity
CD-ROM DVD-SuperMulit
Describe the double-layer support optical drive
Card reader built-in, 15-in-1 card reader
Video Audio
LCD Monitor
Size 20-inch
NVIDIA GeForce 7600GS graphics card
Graphics performance, PCI-E X16 interface standards, support TurboCache technology
Video card built-in TV card, TV tuner card (PAL)
High Definition sound card built-in sound system to support 7.1 surround sound
10-100M Ethernet LAN onboard
Other Hardware
Chassis Vertical
External Interface IEEE 1394