G.SHDSL to 4.6Mbps--Spectrally compatible with existing TDM and HDSL equipment; 2-wire operation at speeds from 192 kbps to 4.6 Mbps in 64-kbps increments. Extensive IP Routing Support--Support for RIP, OSPF, and BGP routing allows easy interoperability with and integration into any existing network. IP Subscriber Management--DNS caching, NAT, NAPT, DHCP, IGMP, DiffServ, & RADIUS make it easy to create and manage any service. VPN/Firewall--Create layer 2 and layer 3 VPNs with L2TP and GRE. Built in IP address and IP port filtering, makes firewall services a snap.SNMP/HTTP Management--SNMP/HTTP manageable from anywhere in the world including attached CPE units.Extended/Enhanced Warranty-- Secure your service with Extended Warranty. Available from 2-5 years, Enhanced Warranty extends the standard warranty to five years and includes Advance Replacements!
G.SHDSL to 4.6Mbps--Spectrally compatible with existing TDM and HDSL equipment; |