Asus' claim for the RT-N16 is that it's optimised for P2Papplications, with support for up to 300,000 sessions for fasterdownloading. If you've got internet pipes big enough for 300,000sessions, we'd love to hear from you and we suspect the NBN would aswell. That aside, assessing P2P "speeds" comparatively is an almostimpossible task, given you're at the mercy of everyone else in atorrent's connections and choices. Certainly in our tests the AsusRT-N16 was no worse than any other router in P2P terms.
The RT-N16 is an 802.11n 2.4GHz wireless router with four gigabitEthernet ports. Given that we're still seeing plenty of routers thatonly support the older 10/100 standard, gigabit marks this out as moreof an enthusiast/power user router than most. However, it's still niceto see that Asus hasn't left the casual crowd out either, with the samesimplified set-up structure as the recently reviewed .And indeed, most of the same functions such as print serving, remoteFTP to attached storage devices and simple QoS configuration based oncommon profiles for gaming, internet, FTP or VoIP are present on theRT-N16 as well.
It's been a while since we've seen a router that looked so much thepart of a router, but beyond its rather garish and cheap-looking whitebox casing, there's utterly nothing distinctive about the RT-N16 at allin any way. That's no great drama to speak of we've long talked aboutthe perfect router being one that you could stash in a cupboard andforget about, and the RT-N16 looks like you might want to do exactlythat.
It's pretty clear that Asus' designers took one look at thetechnical notes for the RT-N16 and figured that the target market wouldprobably "get" networking terminology. As such, there was no need todress it up in fancy plastic moulding, and any old box would do.
Wireless-N High Power Router & Access ASUS RT N16 is a high-end, wireless consumer route which designed for DDWRT users.
Payment Terms: | T/T |
Port: | Taiwan |
Fob Price: | US$110-125Taiwan |
Number Of Ports: | 4 |
Black: | Brand new |
Place of Origin: | Taiwan |
Model Number: | RT N16 |
Brand Name: | ASUS |
Application: | Soho |
Type: | Wireless |