High Powered Solution for Better Range and Coverage
Like the loud speakers in your car turning up the volume will increase the coverage of the music and range. The ZyXEL NBG-334SH does just that with its output power, boosting range and
coverage in comparison to standard routers on the market today. With a maximum output power of 27dBm or roughly just over 500mW, the NBG-334SH can reach out to the most remote corners
of any of???ce or home.
Onboard Quality of Service
For applications where QoS is a must, the ZyXEL NBG-334SH has got you covered with the proprietary QoS bandwidth management solution, MBM ver2.0. Multimedia Bandwidth Management ver2.0
can be set on automatic so you no longer have to worry about classifying the various types of traf???c the NBG-334SH will see, or you can manually dictate how the MBM ver2.0 will act on the
NBG-334SH. VoIP, Online Gaming, Internet Sur???ng, and Downloading can all be enjoyed all at once without fear of heavy slow downs or lag due to a lack of QoS.
Increased Performance Speeds
The ZyXEL NBG-334SH has Atheros Super G technology built into the WiFi radio supporting speeds up to 108Mbps. Coupled with client adapters that support Super G technology, you can enjoy
high speeds perfect for Online Gaming, Streaming Multimedia, and large ???le transfers.
Easy Wireless Setup with WPS
Easily setup your wireless security settings and connection between your client and the NBG-334SH with a simple push of a button. If the client adapter has WPS support as well, simply
press both WPS buttons on the client adapter and the NBG-334SH in range of each other, and they will automatically connect using a WPA-PSK secure connection.