Core Revoloving Door
First impression coming from the entry lobby
In order to build up a perfect entry lobby, we offer you the extensive options related to color and material issues. It not only expresses the sense of fashion, but also presents the unique
Core revolving door is perfectly suitable for the occasion with bigger space of frequent entry and exit, such as hotel, supermarket, terminal, big shopping mall, office building and hospital and so
on. With these experience and purpose core revolving door is specially designed to meet the demand of market.
With maximum diameter of 6000mm, core revolving door is one of the best solutions of big capacity to provide the trolley, hospital facility, stretcher, and luggage and so on.
When people choose core revolving door with display space, people can use the display space for showing what they exhibit.
Core revolving door is designed for saving energy of air conditioning. Like other revolving door styles, core revolving door separates indoor and outdoor space, it offers one buffer space for the
air flow, dust, noise while the pedestrian enter or exit.
Core revolving door is designed for saving energy of air conditioning. |