In Seljuk and Ottoman Period, construction components and goods such as minbars, altars of mosques, sermon platforms, lecterns, doors and shutters were made from wood. We see some excellent
samples of these works that the craftsman produced by using kundekeari, markuteari and other techniques of wooden engravings in our historical mosques and museums. These works are not only just some components of construction but also the best examples of wooden art. n our country, there is a need for construction elements such as altars, minbars, sermon platforms, doors in newly built mosques. There is also a demand of wooden construction elements from Turkey by the mosques and masjids that are built in Europe and other countries by Turkish workers. |
I Works such as minbars, altars, sermon platforms, doors and shutters which are wooden and which are in the mosques and masjids that belong to Seljuk and Ottoman periods, are getting
worn-out in time. It requires craftsmen who know the cruxes of traditional wooden art and who apply them in order this works to be restored as closely as possible to their originals. In
Turkey, the number of the craftsmen who is experienced in this field is extremely low. Our company (KOMA), which was founded by Turkish Religious Affairs Foundation, has gathered the craftsmen who know the cruxes of traditional wooden art and apply them under its roof in Siteler Woodwork Atelier which was founded with the aim of filling the gap in this field and tries to convey this art in a mater-apprentice relationship to other generations. In Siteler woodwork atelier, we both produce new works that are matched with the wooden art of Seljuk and Ottoman period for our newly constructed mosques and the wooden mosque elements which have been worn-out in time are restored according to their originals so that they are taken from past to future. Besides this service, Siteler Woodwork Atelier fulfills all types of other wooden decoration jobs (conference halls, hospital furniture, office furniture, home furniture, making projects and engineering service) in the modern ateliers and separate departments founded. In addition to these, we make coffins that are suitable for air transportation, burial coffins and coffins with holding arms that can be used within the country whose designs are made by us. In this catalogue, we have displayed some of our products. For any further information, both for these products or others, you can contact with Siteler Management Administration via phone, fax or e-mail Mosque Decoration Businesses (engravings, k |
- Woodwork - Veneered wooden doors - Massif doors with wooden tray - Panel doors |