Tien phong Tradimexco company has long reputation in the market we bring you the product is perfect.
With the enthusiastic, dynamic, creative ability of the child with long experience of staff in the company gained a lot of success, serving many customers and to the good impression beautiful in
the customers as partners during the last time.
Other products by Tien Phong very abundant and diverse of us include: Metal Pioneer, Pioneer ARG - FOOD, Pioneer Wood ...
To tienphngvn.biz you complete peace of mind by Tien Phong has a strategic services to our customers, with the security policies ensuring give customers peace of mind possible. And the end, the
enthusiastic team of engineers, architects and all staff will give you the perfect.
Any suggestions please please contact us:
Tien Phong Tradimexco,. Ltd
Address: 21B Ho Tung Mau - Tu Liem - Hanoi
Tel: (+84-4) 3764 8480 - Fax: (+ 84-4) 3764 8480
Tien phong Tradimexco company has long reputation in the market we bring you the product is perfect. |