Classed Fire-Rated DoorsIn the early 1990's, recognising the strong growth of the shipbuilding and repair industry in the region, Tacam Steel's subsidiary, signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Hellbergs International A B of Sweden. Hellbergs has been involved in the development and manufacturing of Classed, Fire-rated Doors for the marine and offshore markets since the 1950's and continues to be a leader in the development and testing of these doors. Today, Tacam Steel's subsidiary is the first and only manufacturer of such doors in South East Asia.Comprehensive ApprovalsThe Hellbergs range of marine and offshore doors made by Tacam Steel's subsidiary have the widest range of international approvals.They have been tested at accredited European laboratories and certified to meet or exceed the Test Standards laid down by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) which convenes the International Convention on Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS). They meet the additional constructio criteria required by Government Authorised such as the United Kingdom's Department of Transport, Marine Directorate (UK DOT) and the United States and Canadian Coast Guards. They are accepted by the Government Marine Authorities of all the major Maritime Nations, including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, the United States and the USSR. They are certified to comply with IMO/SOLAS and the various Government's additional requirements by all the major Classification Societies such as the American Bureau of shipping (ABS), Bureau Verities (DnV), China Classification Society (CCS/ZC) and Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LRS).
The Hellbergs range of marine and offshore doors made by Tacam Steel's subsidiary |