1.5 mm +1.5 mm DKP sheet metal chassis between DIN EN10191 6112, 1.5 mm sheet metal part
celik yerlestirilerek were manufactured housing. Icine wings across yerlestirilen 2
One knock-omega tab strength must artrlmstr celik kanadn support.
Complete wing
kalnl 73 mm
2 mm DKP sheet DIN EN10191 6112 including 6 parcadan modular chassis manufactured.
8 points each cektirme safe method of stretching using bolts
piece wall mounting brakmadan spacing between the boxes.
Longitudinally wrapped hinge side mansion complete kapandnda
the channel and lock system with butunlesen wings.
Electrostatic powder painted boxes.
Cash in the lock constituted were against bukulmelere omega karslnda system.
Complete wood in the wings on the image. 6mm to 12mm kalnlnda on MDF
depending on the desired color and model the practice of 0:45 mm kalnlkl PVC coating.
Icerisinde younluklu strafor high wing, s and the volume of filler Yalt.
Equal to 208 point locking system.
Durable roller ball against Del, 7 year warranty, chrome-plated steel
and 5-pin lock password cerman national, electronic card, 10-pin bilya password
barel life system.
ste based mono hook lock option.
Plays printed, special burclu, and set 3-point fixed single and celik Duplicate import containers
Kapnn aclmasn 5cm. The special stainless steel safety barriers Aralkla secret
Complete wood goruntu.
1.4301 304 stainless steel to DIN EN kanad etrafnda Kaplar CTA.
Measurement based production.
5 year warranty. 0543 SOS 24 hours all over Turkiyenin services
security door