Frame and door panels are fabricated from 22 gauge galvanized steel sheet. Frame is provided with 3 mm thick neoprene gasket all around to avoid air leakage. Door panel is internally insulated with 25 mm thick, 24 or 48 kg/m3 density fiber glass for thermal and acoustic insulation. For sizes upto 200 x 200 mm, door is provided with 2 nos zinc plated cam locks plated handle for easy removal and fixing. For sizes more than 200 x 200 mm, door frame is provided with 4 nos. cam locks and handle. Structure is designed to withstand high pressure differences. Sizes are available from 150 x 150 mm to 600 x 600 mm with an increment of 50 mm. Access doors offer quick easy installation where duct access required. Applicable in air conditioning plant rooms, plenums, air handling units and near fire dampers.