For further information or question please do not hesitate to contact me or visit
Fx -34 925195993
Ph +34 925195979
Mobile +34 600471579
Diego Espinar Garc?a
If you had experience in the building market or in the building materials market and you were interested, we kindly invite you to cooperate with us in our business. We are available for you any time under the following numbers:
As for the product equipment ARTEMA offers flexibility and versatility, because she supplies the whole set of door, frame and architrave either in kit, or either all assembled ready to mount on the wall.
The wide range of products covers a great deal of possibilities both in models and timbers. From those more economic models oriented to the mass building market to the high range models thought for the a-la-carte building market.
ARTEMA DOORS is a Spanish solid timber door manufacturing company in the Toledo region. As a constant feature in our work for our customers we have the best quality and design at most competitive prices in the market. After 13 years of life ARTEMA has become today a European company with the most solid fundaments.
ARTEMA is a western European company. We manufacture your best quality wooden doors in natural timbers at best prices.
Position: | Interior |
Opening Method: | Swing |
Product Material: | Wooden |
Special Function: | Style |
Brand Name: | ARTEMA |
Place of Origin: | Spain |