This system is suitable for exposed folding applications using timber, aluminium or uPVC framed panels up to 40kg (90lb). You can simply specify Centor E2 and leave detailed component selection to
the builder.
Doorcalc has provision for you to enter your name and a job reference. It will automatically generate a hardware list based upon your selections including barcodes which can be faxed to help eliminate errors in supplying your order correctly.
Doorcalc calculates door panel sizes based upon a manufacturers proprietary manufacturing details selection. You do not need be an experienced user of Microsoft Excel to use Centor Doorcalc as it uses a dropdown menu for each decision step.
Centors Doorcalc program is available . Doorcalc runs on Microsoft Excel and can easily be used to specify all of the hardware required for any door opening.
The floating wall pivot is used to control door deflection and bowing on tall doors caused by wind loads or climatic conditions.
The functionality of door systems using E2 hardware makes them suitable for use in exposed applications. The use of recommended weatherseal has allowed door systems to pass Australian and
international weatherproofing codes.
In addition to the simpler straight channel and guide system, for a more polished look offset floor guides and pivots enable the guide channel to be located under the doors when they are in the
closed position.
Rebated door stiles (as on French doors) can now be used for openings with odd numbers of panels (eg 2L3R or 1L4R).
In addition to the easy-to-use fast fix hinges, there are now mortice hinges available to facilitate the traditional joinery finish on wood doors.
Improved screwdriver access and grip are now provided in the patented Surelock adjustment which makes the installers job even easier. Pivot panels now also use Surelock to ensure simple, secure
vertical adjustment, while Centors patented horizontal screw adjustment of 10mm (3/8) is maintained. E2 is the most functional folding door system available.
Centors innovative hinge system (patent pending) reduces the cost to manufacture panels. The functionality provided to the door fabricator makes E2 dependable and cost effective.
max panel weight | 40kg |
max panel height | 3000mm ea |
max panel width | 1000mm ea |
min panel thickness | 35mm |
max number of panels | 8 each way |
Simple, elegant functionality, Australian manufacture using Swiss CNC machine tools, and precision ground bearings make E2 the right hardware choice for folding doors up to 40Kg (90lb) per panel. Now with E2 come additional features and options (hence the plus) to give you value for money and a range of choices when designing your door opening.
External Bi-folding / E2
Simple, elegant functionality, Australian manufacture using Swiss CNC machine tools |