All the mechanism is controlled by our expert technicians and skilled workers. Our purpose of Selection of Timber, Klin Seasoning, Chemical Treatment, Planning, Fabrication, Pressing, Glue Application, Finishing and Despatching are well checked at every inch to ensure best results and only after going through the rest and observations of experts, the goods are okayed for despatch. Our ultimate aim is to give quality products and full satisfaction to our valued customers.
Geeta PlyBoards Pvt Ltd is a group with two decades of experience in Timber and its by-products. With vide experience behind us we have diversified our line & established highly sophisticated and state of the art factory to manufacture high quality Flush Doors, Plywood, Block Boards, Panel Doors, Door Frames etc. All the products are manufactured as per the norms laid down by IS : Standards. Our factory is situated at Yamnampet village, Ghatkesar Mandal, Hyderabad, A.P (India).