Model GSL-630 SH GSL-640 UH Engine case structure Aluminum case+ (Stainless rail) Opening speed 60 cm/sec/leaf Closing speed 12~60 cm/sec/leaf (adjustable) Slow speed 3~6 cm/sec/leaf (adjustable) Driving belt Timing-belt: S8M-15mm Width Timing-belt: S8M-18mm Width Controller & Driving block Digital MCU Servo Control & Permanent Magnet Brushless Motor drives directly the triple-gear box. Motorpower Rating power 100 Watt 120 Watt Starting power 500 Watt 600 Watt Weight Single 300 kg ( * 400 kg) 400 kg( * 500 kg) Bi-parting 150 kg x 2 ( * 200 kg x 2) 200 kg x 2( * 250 kg x 2) Hanger 2 sets (4.5 & 6mm thick )/ leaf 3 sets (4.5 & 6mm thick )/ leaf Hanger roller / l set 2 Wheels (?50 PA6) with auto-balance and self-cleaning mechanism Hold opening time 0.5 ~ 20 sec (adjustable) Manual opening force 1. Auto R15kg-f (Door pressed by force)2. Motor-lock >50kg-f (Door pressed by stronger force) Temperature range -20oC ~ +60oC Door gravity balance rod O SAFEGLIDE Closing Speed Lmited 30cm / sec / leaf Maximum(Switch on / off) Full Range Reverse Operates when the gap of the door closing is > 1.5cm High Sensitive Reverse Catchmwnt force: 6~12 kg measured by Push-Pull Scale at 12 cm/sec closing speed (adjustable) Optional function 1.Terminal unit (60-E): U.P.S.& Battery low signal, Auto-lock, Open, Close,Inter-lock, Sensors, Side screen Breakout, Fire alarm, and Motor-lock driven by control box (substiuent as E=lock) 2. Functions Box: Open. Partial. Auto. Exit. Close and Operation LED mode 3. Battery pack (U.P.S.) 4. E-lock
Full Range Reverse Operates when the gap of the door closing is > 1.5cm |