In Finland saunas are a way of life. In a country of
roughly 5 million people you will find 1.7 million saunas.
Think about it. There are enough saunas for the entire
country to enjoy simultaneously! Have you ever
wondered why Finns are among the healthiest and
longest-lived people in the world? The Finns have a
saying "Everybody who can walk to the sauna can use it."
The sauna is world-renowned for the good feeling it gives
you. Scientific data shows that people who regularly use
saunas get flu and colds ten times less than the average.
Sauna is an excellent way to make our immune systems
stronger by the use of hot, cold and humid stimulants. A
natural reaction to the heat makes the blood vessels of
our skin and muscles expand. Through perspiration, acid
and waste are removed from our blood --increasing our
kidney's ability to filter out impurities. After a few sessions
your pores open up cleaning out impurities and
acne-producing bacteria. Adolescents enjoy cleaner
clearer skin as a result. A hot sauna with an alternating
cold shower is the best thermo-massage for the blood
vessels of our skin and muscles. This kind of therapy
builds tolerance to weather changes.
The sauna can ease muscular and nervous tension in
joints and muscles. Therefore many use the sauna as a
relaxant. After a workout, the sauna is a good way to
clear out built-up lactic acids. The sauna relaxes sore
muscles as well as relieving stiffness. In a nutshell, the
sauna is a great workout partner.
Swiss doctors use saunas in the treatment of high blood
pressure. 15 sauna sessions in most cases will take your
blood pressure back down to normal. It has been proven
that sauna aids in regulating our blood pressure
--increasing, decreasing and stabilizing as necessary. If
you have heart problems consult your physician
prior to your sauna therapy.
Lighthouse Image Douglas Fir door with 16" x 60" etched tempered, insulated glass, jamb, threshold, hinges, ball catch, |