RT71 Wireless Magnetic Contacts should match with RK248EW8
wireless receiver. It is one of ROISCOKs special designed for luxurious residential installation. Attached sole identification code, sending frequency is 433.92MHZ. It has the features as strong
ability to catch signal, false & lost alarm is low, high technology, low power consumption, smart manufacture and elegant appearance. It has microprocessor for digital signal processing and
built-in antenna, stable performance and strong ability to resist interference. Powered by one 3V lithium battery, stand-by current isless than 10uA and long battery service life.
Main Features:
In standard environment, the distance of wireless transmission is 200M.
Microprocessor Design Improves False Alarm Immunity
Low power consumption, powered by 3V lithium battery, and stand-by current is less than 10uA
Convenient for Installation
Resist radio frequency Interference (25V/M 1GHz)
Can be monitored
Elegant appearance, decorate the house, an ideal selection in the security products
Input mode is NC
Working Voltage: 3V, supply by battery
Stand-by Current: less than 10