PC Lock/Computer Digital Lock/Security Lock
Locking your computer Set the "On-Off" period of the computer, allowing the computer only runs in a specified period of time or still locking when the USB Key is removed.
Locking down peripherals When the USB Key is removed, the peripherals such as CD-Rom drive, floppy disc (u disc) can be locked preventing from unauthorized operation to make sure information
residing in the computer is safe.
Locking Files/Programs The combined method of software and hardware encryption is used to lock files and programs, protecting files by banning operations such as execution, cut, delete or
overwrite on files.
Time Restrictions on Games/Internet activities You can set a specified period of time to allow PC gaming, chatting and online gaming; reasonably enjoy your entertainment, while not jeopardizing
your study.
Internet management Allow or disallow access to the Internet according to your specified period of time, controlling and guiding kids a good habit of surfing Internet.
Filter websites and messages with pornography on them Filter pornographic websites and unhealthy texts, and keep children away from unhealthy contents.
Privacy Delete histories of file operation and the Internet activities.
COOKIES as well as pages and pictures you have visited can be deleted and wiped out for your privacy.