A door or window hinge consisting of two rectangular metal plates whichare joined with a pin; in large hinges of this type the pin isremovable, whereas in small hinges it usually is fixed; fastened
tobutting surfaces, such as the face of the jamb and the edge of a door.
Butt Hinges:
Madefrom High Quality brass profile and machined with utmost accuracy andperfection to enhance performance. Fitted with tight-fit pins of metalslike Stainless Steel, Brass and MS. Available
as per request.
Railway Hinges:
Made from High Quality brass profile having radius at the knucle and tapered
plate thickness to give extra strength to the butt for bearing highervertical and lateral load. Fitted with tight-fit pins of metals likeStainless Steel, Brass and MS. Available as per request.
Bearing Hinges with Grease:
These high load Hinges are made from High Quality brass profile and arefitted with miniature thrust bearings to take heavy vertical andlateral load as well as to perform better in high activity
doors andwindows. Available in M S Pin.
Crown Hinges:
Made from High Quality brass profile and machined with utmost accuracyand perfection to enhance performance. Available in MS Pin.
L Type Hinges:
Made from High Quality brass profile and machined with utmost accuracyand perfection to enhance performance. Available in Stainless Steel Pin.
W Type Hinges:
For 180 degree opening of doors and windows these specially designedHinges are made from High Quality brass profile and machined withutmost accuracy and perfection to enhance performance. Available
inStainless Steel Pin.
Parliament Hinges S S Pin:
For 180 degree opening of doors and windows these specially designedHinges are made from solid casted brass and are machined with utmostaccuracy and perfection to enhance performance. Available in
StainlessSteel Pin.
We can also supply Brass items as per your requirement or as per Samples or Sketches.
Please feel free to contact us for more details.
* Butt Hinges
* Railway Hinges
* Bearing Hinges With Grease
* Crown Hinges
* L Type Hinges, W Type