The Maiman Company offers a complete line of non-rated and fire-rated wood frames to complement our doors. Choose a non-rated, 20-minute, or a
45/60/90 minute fire rated door frame (positive or neutral pressure) for your project needs.
Like our doors, the non-rated and fire-rated door frames have the same aesthetic appearance. You can also select your door jambs to match your door species or to provide contrast.
NOTE: when ordering jambs with fire-rated doors, the jamb fire rating must meet or exceed the door's fire rating.
We offer both flat jambs and rabbeted jambs. However, we highly recommend flat jambs because of internal stability and superior veneer face materials. For more information on
rabbeted jambs, please contact us at 417-862-0681.
The Maiman Company offers a complete line of non-rated and fire-rated wood frames to complement our doors |