No more keys to lose. No more pins to slide in. No more annoying thumbscrews. No more buttons to press. No more worries.
Our sliding glass patio door lock makes all of those other slider locks obsolete. With it's US and International patents, you know you are purchasing a high quality engineered product that will
last for years without an ounce of trouble. In fact, there is not another sliding glass door lock on the market like it anywhere.
Let's face facts. The crime rate is rising and home break-ins are occurring more and more. Burglars know not to break into the front door of a residence because there is a good chance they will be
exposed. Their next logical point of entry will be the rear of the home and most homes nowadays have at least one set of sliding glass doors.
Sliding glass doors are particularly vulnerable as burglars know how easy it is to lift a sliding door up off it's tracks and gain access to a home without making much noise. This is where our
sliding door lock comes to the rescue.
more keys to lose. No more pins to slide in. No more annoying thumbscrews |