* Dr. Charles Gerba, microbiologist, University of Arizona
** National Center for Infectious Diseases
The Autodoor Opener complies with ADA and safety requirements. The movement stops at 15 lbf.
Code Compliance
The unit includes a DC adapter, battery, mounting hardware and the exit sensor. Add optional entrance sensor to automate door opening when patrons enter the washroom.
AutoDoor Opener
Easily adapts to new or existing non-latching washroom doors. The sensor detects the users hand and the unit opens the door allowing the washroom visitor to enter or leave. The existing door closer pushes the door shut.
Proven advanced sensors guarantee activation the first time, every time. To further enhance the reliability, the unit is equipped with a back-up battery. And at any time, the door can easily be
opened by hand.
How it Works
An economically effective system, the AutoDoor Opener reduces excessive paper towel and tissue usage and the associated clean up.
Cost Effective
Cold and flu viruses can survive on surfaces for up to 72 hours*. And it is estimates that one out of three people do not wash their hands after using the washroom**. The AutoDoor Opener eliminates the final point of cross-contamination, providing patrons with a truly touch-free washroom environment.
Improved Health and Wellness
Product Details
Patrons no longer need to use towels, tissues or shirtsleeves to open the washroom door. The sleek and compact AutoDoor Opener effortlessly automates an otherwise manual door.
The AutoDoor Opener completes the touch-free washroom experience by automating virtually any new or existing non-latching washroom door. The system enhances a washrooms overall image by eliminating a point of cross-contamination, providing ADA compliance and delivering user friendly and reliable automation.
The Auto Door Opener completes the touch-free washroom experience |