Our products generally carry a one-year warranty from the date of purchase. Should your product become inoperative for some reason, we will be happy to send our support team to get it working smoothly all over again. Thanks to our top-of-the line products and customer support, your home and work environments will now be beautiful and insect-free.
All you need to do is draw the blinds and open the window.
Today, we can offer complete solutions for your windows. Just imagine, the people who will design your blinds, will also design insect screens for the window - by making sure of aesthetics, visual harmony and user convenience. Importantly, well take care of everything, right up to final installation.
We started with blinds for windows with some very ingenious ideas on blinds. With a range that gave customers a wide choice on design and material options, we widened the window on product ideas and added insect screens to the list. Our growth in terms of product evolution at Matts Corner India Pvt Ltd, is a continuous ongoing process - enhanced by feedback from interior designers and customers.
And if youre looking for peace of mind for years, look no further. Take a look at what we have to offer at Matts Corner India Pvt Ltd.
If youre looking for window blinds and insect screens, youve got to be extremely careful, because its important to find a manufacturer who has a good product and is willing to stand behind it in terms of superior design and support.