Software Toolkit
Janus Lock Pro contains 2 components
Hardware Device
Additional features inside Janus Lock Pro
Janus Lock Pro supports remote activation by issuing an upgrade license. You may install a trial or limited license in Janus Lock Pro hardware and pack them
into an evaluation package. If potential customers want to buy your software, then you can issue an upgrade license to them. You can add activation with in the protected software. The upgrade
license is encrypted, so it is okay directly import them and make an install upgrade license function call to Janus Lock Pro hardware. We realize that is important for proper use of authorized
license. Janus Lock Pro supports one times license. The same license can not to be used in different Janus Lock Pro hardware. Janus Lock Pro hardware will recognize the matched license. Janus Lock
Pro hardware can not install the same upgrade license twice. With those features, Janus Lock Pro becomes more reliable.
Benefit from Janus Lock Pro
Janus Lock Pro can be relied on
Janus Lock Pro has many nice features for software developer to against software piracy and to enrich software marketing. Janus Lock Pro benefits from years of
research and development and it can be relied on.
Janus Lock Pro is affordable and has high ROI
Affordable investment and high return with additional software sales.
Janus Lock Pro helps you against to software piracy
Janus Lock Pro is based on the smart card technology
The smart card technology ensures that the secret is left inside smart card. It's proven that smart card is suitable for person identification. In same way,
smart card technology is suitable for software license identification. Janus Lock Pro is built with smart card technology. Janus Lock Pro is highly secured. Janus Lock Pro hardware device can not
be copied nor be hacked.
Strong Crypto Engine in Janus Lock Pro
Janus Lock Pro has a strong crypto engine. It supports both 256 bits AES and Triple DES encryption/decryption. All communications between Janus Lock Pro and the
protected software are encrypted. This will make the spied data will be useless to the hackers.
Unique Query-Response Engine in Janus Lock Pro
Janus Lock Pro has its own proprietary query-response algorithm which factor is 128 bits and query length is up to 56 bytes. The algorithm is very safe and can
not be hacked by reserve-engineering. The algorithm factor is hidden in Janus Lock Pro hardware device. And it can not be read out by any other users. It can only be written by developers with
their own administration passwords. The length of algorithm factor is 128 bits long. It is unique and can not be guessed.
Advanced User Data Memory Management in Janus Lock Pro
Janus Lock Pro also has large configurable user data memory up to total 16 kbytes. Janus Lock Pro's user data memory can be divided into data cells. One data
cell contains variable size of btyes. And you can setup passwords for different operation on data cells. Those operations include reading, writing, locking, unlocking and decreasing. The use of
those data cells improves the level of software protection.
Time modification detection in Janus Lock Pro
Janus Lock Pro has a time cheating detector. If a system time modification is detected, Janus Lock Pro will take the correspond actions. This mechanism ensures
the proper use of time based license.
Janus Lock Pro helps you on the software marketing
Janus Lock Pro features a flexible license model
Janus Lock Pro features a flexible license mechanism that would help software developers to easy to release multi-purposes package of Janus Lock Pro protected
software. The following tasks can be done easily by using Janus Lock Pro.