Lenga (Nothofagus pumilio) which is known in many countries as "Fireland Cherry" has a sapwood of white to yellowish color and the heartwood of a pale to dark pink. It's offers
excellent conditions for drying, machining, turning and staining. These proprieties make Lenga wood highly attractive for furniture and an advantage for decorative functions.
Lenga forests are concentrated mainly in the Patagonia and Fireland territory, extending up to 3 millions hectares. 500,000 hectares of them corresponding to Government protected areas, in order to
assure the preservations of the forest ecosystems and protect the wildlife, water courses and mountain slopes.
Our Industry is located in the industrial area in Punta Arenas, southern most region of Chile. It has 6000 m2 of buildings, and 600 m3 of kiln drying with modern machinery and technologic capable
for producing more than 6000 m3 per year of elaborated products as: edge glued panels, kitchen and furniture doors, cabinets, drawers and other parts.
To assure a stable production of fine quality, the Lenga wood is principally delivered to us by an associate company, which has 70 years of prestige in the forest management, having the facilities
to give us raw material efficiently.
Lenga (Nothofagus pumilio) which is known in many countries as "Fireland Cherry" has high quality and good price.