The Triad Floor Panel System was designed to be used as a combination floor framing bridge and a decking nailing/staple bridge. The Floor Panel System is used on the Triad Generation II Framing Table as a single table floor panel manufacturing system. Bridge specifications are as follows : BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS: Bridge widths: 12' 2" or 14' 2". Standard Hand Crank Control for bridge movement. Push Button Controls located on Bridge control panel. Optional Joystick Control for bridge drive, tool firing and tool shift. Auto Return option included with Joystick Control. Optional Automatic Bridge Return. Optional Laser Pointer for positioning the Bridge at stud and component locations. Three pneumatic nailing tools on each side of the bridge for framing 2" x 8", 2" x 10", and 2" x 12" joists. Four nails are fired in 2" x 8" floors, five nails are fired in 2" x 10" floors, and six nails are fired in 2" x 12" floors. Down clamping pads are designed to clamp and flush the joists to the rims. Clamping pressure is 314 lbs. and activates simultaneously with tool firing activation. Clamp senses 2" x 8", 2" x 10" and 2" x 12" joists for automatic setting of nail pattern. using either the Hand Crank Control or the optional Joystick Control. At each joist and component the operator lines up the center control box or with the optional Joystick Control each joist and component is fastened to both rims. Flushing the joist to rims is automatic, as the tools are activated to fire, a down clamp automatically and simultaneously flushes the rims to the joists. using either the Hand Crank Control or the optional Joystick Control. At each joist and component the operator locates the firing position either visually or with the assistance of the optional laser pointer. At each firing position the operator activates the pneumatic tools by either depressing the Fire/Shift button on the control panel or by engaging the Joystick Control. With the optional Space Fire feature, the bridge will automatically fasten both rims as the bridge traverses along the panel. The Perimeter Fire feature provides pneumatic nailing/stapling around all openings using the Joystick Control. Upon completion, the operator either manually or with the Automatic Bridge Return feature, returns the bridge to its starting position and rolls the floor panel to the next station where the panel is removed from the production line.
The Triad Floor Panel System was designed to be used as a combination floor framing bridge and a decking nailing/staple bridge. |