Phone: +371 29535202
Zuvs Ltd., Latvia
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Thank you for co-operation, we will
We would be pleased to accept your ordersfor any quantities and sizes with your inquired quality and price idea. We arelooking for partners for long-term contact.
We are a large timbering company in Latviaand we also have timberyards in Latvia, Russia. We are producing and exporting sawntimber. We canmake from : 1) Spruce. (Picea Abies/ Whitewood). 2) Pine.(Pinus Silvestris).3)Siberian Larch.( Larix sibirica). Specification of our sawn timber is asfollows: Length: 1000-6000mm. Thickness: 19-200mm . Width: 50-200mm. Quality of timber is according toNordic U/S, S/F grade. The goods may be fresh or kiln-dried to 10-20%.We canalso planed(S4S) wood materials (27/30/45/47x90/95/105/120/145/165/190) (19/38x89/140/184),Timber Decking boards(15/21/27/32x95/120/145), Wall panel (12-19x70/95/120), floorings,Spindles,the materials for furniture(Mouldings) made from spruce, pine, larch. JapaneseMabashira, Taruki. Garden decking - Treatment. Shakes and Shingles fromLarch. We can also offer extra classmaterials without knots made from all these woods according to your order. The price depends on sizes and
We are a large timbering company (Zuvs Ltd) in latvia and we also have timberyards in latvia, Russia. |