Laminate flooring produced in high quality and low prices.The manufacturing programme of the Presov Company includes a production of laminate flooring, row and laminate chipboards, wall panelling and large-surface strip boards. The supplementary assortment and accessories include row and laminate MDF boards, varnished HDF boards, OSB boards, doors, door-cases with accessories, skirting, laminates, and others.Kronospan has had a leading position in the sale of large-surface materials and laminate flooring within Central Europe, USA and Africa, and it is the only Slovak producer of floating laminate flooring, as well. The possibility of combining deliveries of various goods types at individual purchases is an advantage for the customers of Kronospan as this way they can economize on their own warehouse and increase effectiveness.
Laminate flooring produced in high quality and low prices. The manufacturing programme of the Preso |