This 5?x 6?Beige Rollout Floor Mat is ideal for garages, bathrooms, basements and laundry rooms or anywhere a roll out floor mat is needed. Provides protection against dirt, acids, and chemicals.
These mats also keep dirt from being tracked around keeping surrounding areas clean. Mats are also water proof and will not allow water to seep underneath should they get wet on top. Installation
is a breeze as you can choose to roll out the mat and use it right away. Should you decide to keep the mat stationary you can utilize double sided rhino grip tape, bonding adhesive along with vinyl
backer, or commercial epoxy.
Dimensions: 5?x 6?
80-mil Fiber Reinforced PVC
UV Inhibitors - Designed for Outdoor Use
Slip Resistant Textured Surface
Unaffected by Battery Acid
No Installation Required - Just Roll Out
Please note that these Rollout Floor Mats can be permanently stained by harsh chemicals and some rubber tires. We recommend the Charcoal and Sandstone colors for garages and workshops, since they
are least likely to show dirt or stains. Caution must be used when working with chemicals. It is recommended that if a chemical spills or drips on your Rollout Floor Mat, it should be cleaned up as
soon as possible. Since harsh cleaners and solvent based chemicals, such as acetone and nail polish remover, can mar the finish, only mild household cleaners should be used. Always test cleaners in
an inconspicuous area before using.
5?x 6?Beige Rollout Floor Mat
This 5?x 6?Beige Rollout Floor Mat is ideal for garages, bathrooms, basements and laundry rooms or anywhere |