(An Undertaking of the Government of Karnataka) Tender No.MML / GD / MKT / 2006-2007 Sealed tenders are invited by Mysore Minerals Limited (MML), a Company registered under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 39, M.G. Road, Bangalore 560 001, represented by its Chairman and Managing Director for the purchase of granite blocks produced by MML from its quarries in Karnataka State. CONDITIONS: Eligibility to participate: Granite Processing Factory / SSI Unit and exporters having a minimum turnover of Rs.50.00 lakhs (Rupees fifty lakhs only) during 2005-06. Balance Sheet and profit Loss Account statement for the financial years 2004-05 and 2005-06. Income Tax assessment for the year 2005-06. Proof of having a Granite processing factory, either SSI certificate or other document, and in the case of 100% EOUs., letter of permission issued by appropriate Authority and proof of commencement of production, Green card and in the case of exporters, RBI code number and Importer/Exporter Code number should be furnished along with the tender. Location of quarries: The details of locations of the quarries and quantity offered for sale, are furnished in the Annexure-1. Rough Granite blocks pertaining to the quarries indicated in Annexure-1 offered for sale can be inspected by the interested persons at the respective quarries. MML will not guarantee the quality and colour of granite as granites are natural products with uncertainty. Tenderer should send the duly filled in application form (Annexure- 2) along with Price Bid (Annexure -3) & necessary enclosures. The tenderers are to quote ex-quarry price in Indian Rupees quarry as per Annexure-3.The ex-quarry rates to be given for each range of size given at para 10 - a & b. Quotations shall specify the amount both in figures and in words and prices shall not be altered or over written. The rate should be for the sizes specified at para 10 and for the particular quarry. Further, under Annexure -1 & Sl. No. 2, the rate should be quoted separately for red multi-colour and black samuka granite blocks. Under Annexture No.1 & SlNo. 12 subject to getting clearance from the JMF Court of Chamarajanagar . Submission: Interested persons may procure the tender documents along with tender form and terms & conditions in person with a request letter giving the name, address, telephone No. fax No. from its Registered Office or can also be down loaded from web site www.mysoreminerals.com (Cover I and Cover II) and shall be sent by Registered post in person so as to reach Mysore Minerals Limited at No.39, M.G.Road, Bangalore-560001 on or before 12.00 noon on 15.12.2006. The period of agreement shall be in force for a period of three years from the date of the sale award. The prices are subject to revision every year. MML will have discretionary powers to extend the agreement for a further period of two years, subject to performance of the Sale Contractor. QUANTITY TO BE SUPPLIED BY MML: Supplies will be made by MML to the successful tenderer(s) or through its authorized agency during the period of three years as mentioned in para 7 or till the date of supply of the quantity specifically mentioned in the tender document, whichever is earlier. MML shall arrange for removal of the granite blocks as per the quantity offered in Annexure-1. Wherever MML is not able to remove the blocks, the same may be done through separate raising arrangements empaneled by MML. The highest and the successful bidders who quoted highest rate for blocks in tenders will be given an option to indicate a raising agent of their choice. The raising agent will have to enter into an agreement with MML directly and the raising cost indicated in Annexure- 1 under column 6 will be paid to the raising agent considered to the buyers volume. For blocks unsold, no payment shall be made to the raising agent. MML shall supply dimensional granite blocks on buyers volume basis as detailed below: Black Granite Blocks having a net volume of less than 1.00 Cubic Metre Blocks having a net volume of 1.00 M3 and above Blocks having size of 260x160 cms & above. . b) Coloured Granite i) Blocks having size below 240x120 cms ii) Blocks having size of 240x120 cms and above FREE ALLOWANCE: Free allowance of 5 cm. will be allowed on all three sides from least side measurements. Each tender must be accompanied by an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only) FOR EACH QUARRY by Demand Draft on any Nationalised Bank / scheduled bank in favour of Mysore Minerals Limited payable at Bangalore. The E.M.D. will be forfeited if the tenderers subsequent to the Sale Award fail to remit the security deposit and sale advance. This is without prejudice to other rights that are available. E.M.D. will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers and it will not bear any interest. Tenders received without E.M.D. are liable to be summarily rejected and will be treated as invalid. The E.M.D. is liable for forfeiture if the party does not respond to the call for negotiation of prices etc. The E.M.D. amount of successful tenderer will be converted into the Security Deposit. The successful tenderer should pay a sum of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) in full as Security Deposit FOR EACH QUARRY towards the fulfillment of the contract, within 20 days from the date of Sale Award. The EMD amount of the successful Tenderer will be converted and adjusted towards security deposit. MML reserves the right to allot the material to other parties, if the full Security Deposit is not deposited within the stipulated period. It will not bear any interest. In case of breach of contract, the Security Deposit will be forfeited by MML. After successful completion of the contract the Security Deposit will be refunded. In case of litigation, the entire expenses incurred will be deducted from the security deposit and sale advance. The successful tenderers shall remit 50% of annual premium on the minimum quantity to be produced in a year (selling price Raising cost) as sale advance in addition to security deposit as sale advance. The sale advance to be paid within 20 days from the date of sale award. Such advance shall carry no interest. If any penalty is imposed on the buyer, the same will be deducted and the buyer to make good the shortfall in sale advance. The buyer should remit the sale value separately & towards royalty, loading charge and applicable taxes for approved blocks should pay within one week from the date of approval before removal of the blocks. Buyer shall arrange to remove the blocks within a reasonable time and if any instruction is issued to remove the same without any delay, it shall be obeyed by the buyer. No complaint of any nature will be entertained after the approval of blocks by the buyer has been given and such blocks would be at the risk of the buyer. MML may entertain request for sale of blocks to other buyers at the risk and cost of original buyers in respect of surrender of selected or marked blocks. Quotation-Two Cover System: The tender should be submitted in 2 cover system. Cover 1 i) E.M.D. for Rs. 50,000/- for each Quarry. at Sl. No. 1 of instructions to tenderers. Tenderers who have not fulfilled any of the eligibility criteria and insufficient information and found ineligible, their price-bid will not be opened and not considered. Proof about constitution of the Company (Public/ Private/ Partnership/ Proprietorship) should be enclosed. The cover to be superscribed as Technical bid Cover-1 This will be opened first. The tenderer should specifically mention the quarrys name for which EMD has been remitted. Tender for If the tenderer fails to comply with the above terms & conditions their offers will be rejected. The Successful tenderers shall cause inspection of quality and colour of granite by making their own arrangements at their own cost to inspect the materials at
(An Undertaking of the Government of Karnataka) Tender No.MML / GD / MKT / 2006-2007 Sealed tenders are invited by Mysore Minera |