India immediately brings to the mind the mystique of Taj Mahal. This timeless structure is characterized by its mesmerizing aesthetic appeal and its enduring strength.Continuing this heritage of India, the Sarla Group acquired quarries and established Marble & Stone processing facilities in 1984 in the picturesque valleys of Udaipur in the North Western Indian State called Rajasthan that houses 1.5 billion years old world famous Aravali mountain ranges known for its rich marble & mineral deposits. The company M/s. Sarla Exports Private Limited was thus born. Sarla Exports, in the span of over one and a half decades has become a one-stop quality source for all major Indian dimensional stones, be it Marbles or Stones. While the company owns and controls some major deposits and processing facilities, it has strong strategic alliances with few external companies, thus being able to offer the complete range of building dimensional stones from India. Regular participation in Global Stone events helps Sarla Exports to incorporate newest inventions, improvements and innovations in production techniques. The stored database of repeated interaction with globally spread clientele, that includes Architects, Project Promoters, Stone Whole Sellers and Retailers, brings deep awareness of specific liking and preferences of different markets. The strong existence of Sarla Exports in the Stone World stands on the firm foundations of high quality consciousness both in the areas of material selection and processing. At Sarla Exports we commit only what we can deliver and deliver strictly what we commit.