Ass. Sales Manager
Mustafa Erdogan
Respectfully your,
For more information, plase contact us.
P.S : Colors of the marble blocks are Red and Beige
We are now a marble quarry firm that is only working for the domestic market. We want to export our unprocessed (raw) products. We have 30 active marble quarries and also have 60 mines that are licensed, active and ready for mining. We want to sell our unprocessed marble products in block forms. We have 1000 m3 marble quarrying capacity in a month and it can be increased according to demands. We can hire our marble quarries arbitrarily or we can sell our marble quarries that are licensed but have not start working and we can guarantee relying on an agreement for these inactivated marble quarries that you will quarry marbles from them.
Dear Authorized Officer,
Dear Authorized Officer,
We are now a marble quarry firm that is only working for the domestic market. We want to export our