With a production infrastructure for 400 moulds per day we are one of the largest Paver tile rubber mold manufacturers. We manufacture heavy Natural Rubber moulds and light weight synthetic Rubber moulds. Light weight Synthetic Rubber moulds are almost half the cost of heavy moulds in Natural Rubber Though Synthetic Rubber is costlier than Natural rubber, light weight designing makes them less expensive. Our moulds deliver even blocks which helps to give better finishing when paved. Reinforcement in designing of light weight moulds gives them excellent strength. Life of Synthetic Rubber moulds is double that of heavy moulds than the Natural Rubber moulds. Synthetic Rubber moulds are flexible and easy to de mould. Heavy Natural Rubber moulds are sold on weight while Synthetic Rubber moulds are sold on piece rate.
With a production infrastructure for 400 moulds per day we are one of the largest Paver tile rubber mold manufacturers. |