Pt Golden Stone Indonesia is the leader of Indonesian Natural Stone with solid reputation by supplying fine, high quality in various types , , , ,, , ,, , ,, , ,, , , , , , , , ,
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In the world wide market with client contacts around ASIA countries, Europe, and Australia, Africa , US havingcapacity and production's, according to the buyer requirement. Wesource various
Indonesian stone from many different island all overIndonesia, such as Ambon Island, Flores Island,and more other Island. Our aim reliable quality with the mostcompetitive price.To expand our
market activities more to the global,we serves to provide into individual design following by specificationrequirement. To get further information, just browse our pages withcompletely details
Contact Person,
Andre Susanto
Export Div.
PT Golden Stone Indonesia
Phone: +623160334076 or +628973871879