Due to the vast experience and knowledge that the directors have in recycling of plasic, over 20 years, and the marketing expertise in the building industry, "Resin-tile" was awarded the sole
manufactuing and distribution rights for South Africa and all SADEC countries.
Since the BBC World broadcast the company has received many hundreds of enquiries about the technology and the equipment for the manufacture of the resin-bonded roof tiles.
The company that invented the product was selected as a finalist from 500 nominations to the BBC World, Shell Challenge competition for "individuals or groups deserving recognition for enterprise and innovation at grass roots level". In August 2005, BBC World broadcast a 12 minute feature about the resin-bonded roof tile, the unique technology developed for it's manufacture, the contribution to the environment achieved by using recovered waste plastics for a key building product, and the company's mission to make this technology available across the globe.
The company has a pilot plant based in Cape Town, and sells off licences to different areas within South and SADEC countries.
Due to the ongoing war of plastic waste, this product is unique in that it can utilise mixed post consumer waste and by blending it with sand, can manufacture roof tiles that are not only cost efficient, but are eco friendly as well as advantageous against other tiles.
Plastiworld Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a Resin-Tile, is a South African registered company that has highlighted a special need to set-up and manufacture a Polymer and Sand production formulation for the manufacture of roof tiles.
Resin Tile
Resin Tile Plastiworld Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a Resin-Tile, is a South African registered company |