LightnessThe graveled colored tiles are extremely light (6, 20 KG / m and 4, 30 KG / m, respectively) exempt from the usage of heavy structures. Usually you can renew the olden covering with no reinforce in thee existent structure. Solidity and resistanceThe tiles base is produced in Aluzinc (55% aluminum, 43, 4% zinc and 1, 6% silicone) . So, it guarantee solidity to all regards, including to fire. It offers high resistance to adverse climates: Storms, violent rain, thermal shocks, frost, hail and any possible load of snow. Incomparable BeautyThe aspect and shape of graveled and colored tiles give to the roof an excellent appearance, it is adapted for all projects, as in new buildings as in reforms. ImpermeabilityWithin the proper installation, the graveled colored tiles guarantee a full impermeable covering, guaranteed by more than 20 years of Eurotelhas history. Efficiency in assemblyThe graveled colored tiles have an easy and fast installation system which allows high assembly and labor costs reduction. The installation relieves almost 50 m2 of roof covering per day. Warmth or coldBy its composition and thickness, the graveled tiles reflect sun radiation, it does not emit warmth and neither absorb humidity. Then it does not accumulate dust or fungus, maintaining the original roof aspect for years. Thankful by the finishing they are silent even under heavy storms. The colored tiles, despite of being less thermal isolate than graveled ones, they reflect a high percentage of warmth and light, promoting a pleasant surrounding. Besides, they has a recovering resistance to corrosions six times higher than the galvanized steel and shows a slight cost in comparison to them.
The graveled colored tiles are extremely light (6, 20 KG / m and 4, 30 KG / m, respective
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