Ceramic Tiles for Floors and WallsCountry of origine: Yugoslavia (region ov Vojvodina, near Hungarian border)Produced in monocottura and bicottura techniques, with the latest Italianknow how and equipment.Wall tiles sizes in cm 15x15, 15x20, 20x20, 20x25, 25x30Floor tiles sizes in cm 20x20, 20x25, 33x33White wall tiles 15x15cm also available.Price range for the first choice : from 2.70 US$ to 5.50 US$ per squaremeter F.C.A. FactoryOther choices available and negotiable.(C.P.T. and C.I.F. prices are available per request, as well as the weightsand shipping possibilities per Cts)Payment terms to be negotiated during the final eventual arrangement andcontracting.Samples and catalogues are also available per request.Minimum order 2000 square meters, max yearly quantity available cca 1.8million square meters.Exports: Germany, Austria, Italy, Russian Federation, Hungary, Romania,Saudi Arabia, UAE and all the former Yugoslav Republics, including thepresent special region Kosovo.For more details contact:Aleksandar S. Ilic,gen. managerAlmaco d.o.o.
Ceramic Tiles for Floors and Walls Country of origine: Yugoslavia (region ov Vojvodina, near Hungar |