Technical Specifications:
The colors shown are to be used as representations or guidelines only. Colors may change from production run to production run. To assure random color distribution, it is recommended that individual blocks be mixed from different pallets. Product, color, shape, size, or style may change without notice. Not all colors are available in all shapes or styles. Check with an R. I. Lampus Company sales representative for availability.
*Stock Weathered Colors
Special order colors are available upon request.
The Versa-Lok? Standard is our original, most popular unit. Contractors, engineers and landscape architects agree its solid construction and unique pinning system provide an endless array of design options, hardcore durability and the fastest, easiest installation available. For an older more natural look try the Weathered Standard units. The weathering process makes you new units look like they have withstood years of wind and water, with gently rounded corners and a highly textured surface.
The Versa-Lok Standard is our original, most popular unit |