The factory has a latest world technology of the production lines , used in making the tiles which is consisted of; Longinotti automatic pres machines and polishing machines. Very low water/cement ratios are used to give the product outstanding mechanical resistance and low water absorptation. Our terazzo tiles are resistant to impacts and do not get worn easily. The homogenity of colour and pattern is ensured even on high production volumes. Do not get worn and torn easily and not slippery , even tough they look shiny. For single layer terrazzo products , the thickness (1.8 cm) related to each format decreases the transportation costs and static loads of the buildings at least %50 in comparision with the layer conventional tiles. Every colour of tile is available polished, grinded, sandblasted, or brushed surface options.
Our terazzo tiles are resistant to impacts and do not get worn easily. The homogenity of colour and pattern is ensured |