As a leading producer and exporter of plywood in China, we are very glad to introduce our products to you, our products include MR, WBP and film faced plywood, all our products are for export, and we export nearly 1500M3 every week, they are of high quality and produced according to international standard.Details of our products are as flws:1. MR glue plywood okume face and back, poplar coreBB/CC2. WBP glue plywood okume face and back, poplar core, BB/CC3. Phenolic film faced WBP plywood for concrete forms(tegoplywood)Dark brown colorInterested parties kindly cotact us for them, we can ship them to you in containers or in bulk.Yours early enquiry is appreciated.
As a leading producer and exporter of plywood in China, we are very glad to introduce our products t |