Birch plywood is a high-quality structural material. Theavailability of birch veneer sheets in all layers of plywood and use ofhigh-quality glue and state-of-the art equipment allows us
tomanufacture the world class product, that meets the world qualitystandards.
Wood species: 100% birch
Thickness: from 3 mm up to 40,0 mm*
2440 / 2500 x 1220 / 1250 mm
1200 / 1220 / 1250 / 1500 / 1525 x 2440 / 2500 / 2745 / 3000 / 3050 mm
* The possibility to manufacture sizes and thicknesses according to the customer's requirements.
GRADES Grades are defined according to the visual quality of the face veneers. All the mechanical properties are the same no matter which grade is considered. The exact surface parameters are
defined by the standard: GOST 10.55-71
B uniform light and smooth surface, almost without any defects and patches, sanded,
BB - uniform light and smooth surface, defects repaired with wooden plugs, sanded,
CP standard quality, smooth surface, sound knots acceptable, defectsrepaired with wooden plugs, more plugs then on BB grade acceptable,sanded,
C low quality surface, open defects, not sanded surface.
- Formaldehyde emission: E1
- Moisture content: max 10 %
- Density: 640 - 700 kg/m?