ISOTEX interior finishing panels aresoftboard-based products with decorative paper- or textile-covered surface forinterior finishing of ceiling and wall structures in dry rooms. ISOTEX has goodinsulation and soundproofing properties owing to its basic material. Tenons onthe edges of boards enable fast installation and there is no need for furtherfinishing.
Interior finishing panels ISOTEX
Since 2001 factory invested intoequipment for cutting grooves on the board-edges. Now impregnated boards havenew possibilities to be used for under-roof purposes.
Impregnated insulation softboards have beenspecially developed for blocking wind in the damp weather conditions, avoidwater penetration into insulation layers and provide weatherproof protectivelayer for buildings that need to winter without weather-boarding. Windprotection softboards are made of clean natural wood with natural resinscontained in wood acting as binding agents. In the production process, paraffinsubstances are added to wood pulp to improve the density and weatherproofqualities of boards.
ISOPLAAT softboards are highly appreciated buildingmaterial for their insulation and soundproofing properties and ability toprovide wind-protection and rigidity in wall, ceiling and floor
Natural insulation softboards are usedfor additional insulation and sound reduction of ceilings, floors and wallsindoors. The insulation properties of softboards compete successfully withthose of
mineral wool or foam polystyrene. Standard softboards breathe, i.e.they can absorb or release moisture when the moisture content of the room risesor subsides, respectively. Due to their
soundproofing properties, softboardsimprove the acoustics of the room and make it cosier
Softboards are naturally clean and 'breathing' building material with environmentally friendly production process.