Thanking to these properties a thermowood has found a wide application in the European countries and has started being applied in Russia. The products from a thermowood are used without restrictions in any environmental conditions. They do not require an antiseptization, impregnation, toning or dyeing. They are so much beautiful. Hydrothermal handling underlines and reveals all beauty of a natural tree and makes it even more attractive.
Many large and respected companies in Europe and all over the world had given the preference to the thermowood processed on "BIKOS-TMT" technology!
Among them such giants of the industry, as:
The information on terms of start-up of the factory will be placed on a site. Before start of own capacities, the "E.S.T.W." company carries out wood thermomodified on capacities of the Partner in Germany and our own capacities in Moscow suburbs. Capacity of installations of thermomodification on both platforms provides manufacture from 500 to 750 3 a thermowood a month. Floor spaces of both factories constitute almost 70002
The volume of thermomodified wood (thermowood)) with the commissioning of capacities will make up to 3000 cubic meters a month.
At the moment the company "E.S.T.W." carries out factory building on heat treatment of wood and a woodworking complex in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Principal view of activity of the company is the manufacturing and advancement thermomodified wood (thermowood) in the Russian and international markets for application in such branches, as shipbuilding, architecture, building, design, landscape works, domestic and outage furnish.
The "E.S.T.W." company (Enviromentally Stabilized Thermomodified Wood) exists on the market since the 2007.
Since the 2008 it accuried the status of the official partner of the "BIKOS" company and "Thermoholz Spreewald" GmbH, which are the owners of all the rights for the termomodification
In april of the 2009 our company has become the owner of manufacture in Moscow surburbs.
The "E.S.T.W. Technology" is our trademark.
The "E.S.T.W." company (Enviromentally Stabilized Thermomodified Wood) exists on the market since the 2007. |