How to install Supress? Sound-Engineered Plywood Subfloor
Prepare Surface and Materials
The joist and cross-member edges must be reasonably clean and dry. Remove nails, screws or any obstructions which are covering or protruding from the joist and cross-member line.
Protect smooth panel faces and tongue and groove edges from damage prior to and during installation. To minimize the potential for panel buckling and/or nail-pop, allow Supress SEP panels to
equalize their moisture content at the job site by allowing air circulation on all sides for a few days after delivery.
Measure and Cut
Measure the space and, if needed, cut the panel (with standard or carbide-tipped saw blades) to the proper size, minimizing the gaps between panels and with other surfaces.
Glue and Attach
Glue-nailing is recommended for Supress SEP panels. Use adhesive conforming to ASTM D3498 and spread only enough adhesive in a 1/4" bead on framing members to lay 1 or 2 panels at a time. This is
particularly important in warm weather conditions where the adhesive will dry more quickly. Panels may also be nailed only with appropriately-sized cement-coated ring- or screw-shank nails.
Specifications to be provided by project structural engineer.
Glued tongue and grooved edges are recommended under thin floor coverings to keep joints snug. Glue by spreading a thin line of adhesive (1/8" bead) into the open groove. Avoid using too much
adhesive as this will create squeeze-out and require additional labor for clean-up.
Use 8d cement-coated ring- or screw-shank nails at a maximum spacing of 6" at supported panel edges and at a maximum spacing of 12" at intermediate supports.
Attach panels GRADE STAMP UP, away from joist faces and perpendicular across framing members continuously for at least 2 spans. Stagger the end joints of the panels across framing members.
Seal Cut-outs and Penetrations
Due to the aggressive nature of air- and structure-borne sound, Supress recommends that any cut-outs or penetrations in the flooring system for mechanical, HVAC, pipes, wiring, fire sprinkler
nozzles, etc. be completely sealed with Supress Acoustical Sealant.
Seal Cut-outs and Penetrations
Due to the aggressive nature of air- and structure-borne sound, Supress recommends that any cut-outs or penetrations in the flooring system for mechanical, HVAC, pipes, wiring, fire sprinkler
nozzles, etc. be completely sealed with Supress Acoustical Sealant.
Supress? Sound-Engineered Plywood
Our Sound-Engineered Plywood (SEP) product contains no metal and has tapered tongue-and-groove construction. This plywood is for new construction or easily fits over your existing subfloor to
deliver superb acoustic performance. Use it to solve noise problems with hard-surface floor coverings such as hardwood, marble, stone, or vinyl tile. STC rated to 61 and IIC to 51, and available
with anti-mold protection. Use Supress Sound-Engineered Sealant on any cut-outs or penetrations.
Supress Sound-Engineered Plywood is available in the following 4 x 8 ft width panels, with a square edge:
Our Sound-Engineered Plywood (SEP) product contains no metal and has tapered tongue-and-groove construction |