Other items we stock include 4x8 sheets of pegboard in 1/8" and 1/4" thicknesses; 4x8 sheets of standard and tempered hardboard in 1/8" and 1/4" thicknesses; 4x8 sheets of pine beaded plywood (1-1/2" on-center) in 3/8" thickness; 4x8 sheets of MDO board in 1/2" thickness; and 4x8 sheets of southern yellow pine BB plyform in 3/4" thickness.
MISCELLANEOUS PLYWOODWe have in stock 4x8 sheets of maple veneer core plywood in 1/4" and 3/4" thicknesses; 4x8 sheets of unfinished oak A3 ungrooved in 1/4" thickness; 4x8 sheets of oak A2 plywood in 1/2" thickness; and 4x8 sheets of oak fibercore in 3/4" thickness.
We stock 4x8 sheets of luan mahogany and Baltic birch underlayment in 1/4" thickness.
UNDERLAYMENTA material applied over subflooring and directly beneath nonstructural finish flooring, such as tile or carpeting. Wood panel underlayment provides a smooth surface for finish flooring and excellent puncture and indentation resistance.
We have in stock 4x8, 4x9 and 4x10 sheets of sheathing in 25/32" thickness. We also have in stock 4x8 and 4x9 sheets of BraceRite in 1/2" thickness.
SHEATHING (BRAND IS BILDRITE) & BRACERITE ( MADE BY INTERNATIONAL BILDRITE, INC.)This exterior wall sheathing is composed of wood fibers bonded with asphalt pitch and starch; rendered water resistant by the addition of paraffin wax and containing coatings.
We stock 4x8 sheets of rough sawn fir plywood with plain face in 3/8" thickness and 4x8 sheets of cedar roughtex plywood with plain face in 3/8" thickness. We also stock 4x9 sheets of Fir T-111, 8" on center, face grooves, in 5/8" thickness.
ROUGH SAWN FIR/CEDAR ROUGHTEXThis is a decorative siding treatment giving a rough, rustic appearance by saw-scoring the surface of a panel during manufacturing. Both of these products have about the same texture and allow paint and stain to adhere to them.
We stock 4x8 sheets of Pine T&G plywood in 3/4" thickness, 4x8 sheets of AdvanTech? OSB T&G in 3/4" thickness and 4x8 sheets of OSB T&G in 23/32" thickness.
T&G (Tongue and Groove Joint)A system of jointing in which the rib or tongue of one member fits exactly into the groove of the other. A specially designed APA tongue and groove panel edge joint is particularly efficient in transferring the load across the joints.
We stock 4x8 sheets of CDX fire treated plywood in 1/2", 5/8" and 3/4" thicknesses. We also stock 4x8 sheets of BC fire treated plywood in 3/4" thickness.
FIRE TREATED PLYWOODFire-retardant treated wood is material that has been pressure-impregnated with special chemicals to improve the performance of wood products in a fire. Fire treated wood reduces the amount of heat released during the initial stages of fire, and is intended for interior applications only.
We have in stock 4x8 sheets of CCX treated plywood with a .60 rating in 1/2", 5/8" and 3/4" thicknesses; and also have in stock 4x8 sheets of AC treated T&G plywood in 3/4" thickness.
PRESSURE TREATED PLYWOODPressure treated is plywood that has undergone a process to make it not susceptible to water, rot, termites, or fungus.
We stock 4x8 sheets of particle board plywood in 1/2", 5/8", and 3/4" thicknesses.
PARTICLE BOARDThis is an engineered wood product made from wood particles, such as wood chips, saw dust or sawmill shavings and a synthetic resin or other suitable binder, which is pressed and extruded. This is commonly used as an underlayment beneath a continuous sheet of vinyl floor covering. This product can be used for utility shelves, workshop projects, furniture, cabinets and more. This type of product does have a positive environmental impact!
We have 4x8 sheets in 7/16", 15/32", and 5/8" thicknesses; 4x9 sheets in 7/16" thickness; and 4x10 sheets in 7/16" thickness in stock.
OSB (ORIENTED STRAND BOARD)OSB is glued and pressed, but is stronger than particle board because it's made with larger pieces of wood, the strands of which are reversed for each layer. It provides support for construction, snow and wind loads and backing for attaching exterior facing materials such as siding, roof shingles or underlayment in double-layer floors. OSB can be used in all applications where you would use C-D grade plywood.
We have 4x8 sheets of CDX plywood in 15/32", 19/32" and 23/32" thicknesses in stock.
CDXConstruction grade plywood C-D (commonly referred to as CDX plywood) is great for structural use but not suited to be finish material.
B-GradeSmooth, sanded, surface; more repaired defects than A-Grade and potential for small knots up to 1/4" across.
A-C GradeThis plywood is smooth on one side which is suitable for painting and exterior use. We stock 4x8 sheets in five different thicknesses 1/4", 11/32", 15/32", 19/32" and 23/32".
Plywood is graded by standards set by the American Plywood Association, (also known as APA) and is given a three-letter designation: a grade for the veneer on the face (referred to as the best side), a grade for the veneer on the back (referred to as the worst side) and an X or I designation to indicate use for outdoors (X) or indoors (I). In addition, plywood suitable for structural purpose is marked accordingly.
Plywood is graded by standards set by the American Plywood Association, (also known as |