Others FSC species: Cupiuba, Uxi, Louro Preto, Cumaru (Decking).
Species. Ipe, Garapa, Jatoba, Massaranduba, Cumaru, Muiracatiara, Roxinho, Angelim Pedra, Sucupira, Cedro Rosa, Cedroarana, Marupa, Jequitiba, Tatajuba, Itauba, Cambara.
- Teak Wood FSC.
- Elliotis Pine Plywood (EPP), subject to confirmation;
- Interior Furniture (Tauari and others);
- Garden Furniture (Eucaliptus FSC);
- Garden Tiles;
- Decking for swimming pool, garden and boats;
- Rough sawn or surfaced lumber for construction materials (medium to heavy weight species);
- Rough sawn or surfaced lumber for flooring production (heavy weight species);
- Rough sawn or surfaced lumber for furniture production and moldings (light weight species);
- Decking E4E-S4S # Anti-slip (AD # KD)
Products that we can supply:
Our services include suppliers sourcing, sales, production follow up, quality control, shipment schedule and customer's report regarding the products received.
Decking E4E S4S AD or KD, Rough Sawn or Surfaced Lumber for Furniture or Flooring and Moldings. Ipe, Garapa, Jatoba, Cumaru.