The Tree: Trees grow to heights of 170 ft with diameters to 4 ft, but usually 1.5 to 3 ft;
boles are straight, cylindrical, and clear 60 to 90 ft above buttresses up to 12 ft. high.
The Wood:
General Characteristics: Heartwood brown when freshly cut becoming deep purple
upon exposure, eventually turning to a dark brown sharply demarcated from the off-white
sapwood. Texture medium to fine; luster medium to high, variable; grain usua lly
straight, sometimes wavy, roey, or irregular; without distinctive odor or taste.
Working Properties: Moderately difficult to work with either hand or machine tools,
dulls cutters, exudes a gummy resin when heated by dull tools; slow feed rates and
specially hardened cutters are suggested. Turns smoothly, easy to glue, and takes finishes
Durability: Purpleheart is rated as highly durable in resistance to attack by decay fungi;
very resistant to dry-wood termites; but little resistance to marine borers.
Preservation: Heartwood is reported to be extremely resistant to impregnation with
preservative oils; sapwood is permeable.
Uses: Turnery, marquetry, cabinets, fine furniture, parquet flooring, tool handles, heavy
construction, shipbuilding, many specialty items (billiard cue butts, chemical vats,
Purpleheart also know as Peltogyne spp.
Delivery Time: | Two Week |
Package: | 23 Cubic meter per 20' Container maximum length 18'. |
Supply Ability: | 120 Cubic Meter per Month |
Place of Origin: | Guyana |