Shuttering plywood capable of a high level of performance for all types of varied uses in the construction industry for buildings , bridges , tunnels, heavy industries , power plants , defence structures, etc. For use on walls, beams, slabs , columns etc. It has nearly 40 % more layers of very thin veneers impregnated with special unextended phenol formaldehyde resins which enhances the mechanical properties of the product. The film face on both sides offers high resistance to abrasion, water absorption, high resistance to varying high temperatures and thus enhancing the product life by about 4 times the ordinary shuttering ply. Some of the advantages of this product are as follows : 1. Reduces manpower & labour cost on account of more no. of uses. 2. Ideal formwork material for pre-cast , concrete moulds. 3. Improves economy and speed in construction. 4. Saves on supporting material such as poles, scaffolding, doka support formwork etc. & labour for fixing them. 5. Compared to steel plates its cheaper thus save on the initial investment. 6. Saves on re-plastering work & finishing cost as it is free from dents and imparts evenly smooth finish.
Shuttering plywood capable of a high level of performance for all types of varied uses in the construction |